About Us

We Believe!
We are justified by grace through faith and sanctified through the work of the Cross. We are claimed, washed, fed, and sent by God to serve in the way of Christ. We invite you to come and see God's grace abiding in you.
Pastor-In-Charge Daryl Lehman
Pastor Lehman has been a Lutheran Pastor for nearly 40 years. He has served congregations of varying size and location, from rural to small town, north to south, and now Luther Chapel at Petersville is abundantly blessed with his wise and gentle leadership. Pastor Lehman serves three congregations that encompass southwestern Frederick County and southeastern Washington County countrysides. Dotted with rural rolling farmlands and bustling historic towns, Pastor Lehman is a respected and revered shepherd in these communities. He serves in Word and Sacrament at Luther Chapel on the Third Sunday of the Month at 9:30 a.m., sharing him with his other Charges the other three Sundays. Pastor Lehman hopes you will stop by to be fed by the Lord Jesus, nurturing your body and spirit through God's Means of Grace in water and word, bread and wine.